Video & Motion Graphics

Custom Video Production

RITE Around the Table: Episode 13

Designed from concept to completion, this project included shooting of the raw footage, starring as host, designing and creating the “Killer Intro” motion graphic to the video in After Effects, creating graphic elements in Photoshop, editing in Adobe AfterEffects, and rendering to various formats which were then uploaded onto the client’s YouTube channel and posted to their social media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


Custom Motion Graphics Animation

RITE Around the Table: Episode 11

Designed from concept to completion, this project included shooting of the raw footage, designing and creating the “Killer Intro” motion graphic to the video in After Effects, creating graphic elements in Photoshop, editing in Adobe After Effects, and rendering to various formats which were then uploaded onto the client’s YouTube channel and posted to their social media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.